Monday, January 19, 2009

Here's what you're into, babies...


Toys: Hanna Montana with a pink car.

TV Shows: iCarly, Spongebob Squarepants (you lip sync the intro song very well), Drake and Josh

Vocabulary: Extensive. You say things like, "Actually, I'd like the pink popcicle, please."

Food: Yogurt, Ice Cream, Pizza and Chicken Nuggets Happy Meals.

Toys: Thomas the Train. More Thomas. You cry and ache for more Thomas the train. Tamas Tain! Is how you say it. It's so adorable. You have Thomas train sets, a train table, Thomas books, songs, coloring books, t-shirts and DVDs. You accept no substitute. lol

TV Shows: iCarly, Spongebob Squarepants (you dance around and sing when it comes on)

Clothes: Jeans

Vocabulary: The cutest baby talk. You defintely know how to call your ma-ma!

Food: pizza, baba (yes you still have one... and you don't like to ask for milk. lol), oranges, bananas, chippies (chips), and dip-dip.


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